If you need to lodge a FIR than you will need to produce Aadhaar Card, without it your complaint will not be taken in Mankhurd Police Station. In Mankhurd Police Station this notice has been posted saying "No Aadhaar, No Complaint's", so while filing FIR it is mandatory now to show your Aadhaar Card, if not then you are not eligible to lodge a complaint. However when inquired Mankhurd Police Station officials denied reports on the notice which is posted in the station. And said the notice posted inside the station is in Marathi saying it is compulsory to bring Aadhaar Card to Police Station while registering complaint. On this matter a Senior Police Officer said that Government of India has not introduced such rule yet, and also added people have right to file complaints ate police station and it is not mandatory to provide Aadhaar Card if not available. Taking Aadhaar Number came into existence when a new computerized system released where there was provision to enter th...