Indian Cows will soon own Aadhaar Number, recently Narendra Modi gave suggestion to Supreme Court of India to issue Unique Identification Number for Cows. The main reason behind issuing Aadhaar Number to cows are cattle can be easily tracked. Aadhaar Number will not be issued to Cows but similar initiative like Aadhaar by UIDAI will be launched to issue unique number to cows which will also maintain record of the cow details like age, breed, gender, location, body color, height, horn type, tail switch and birth marks or special marks. Each cow will be tagged with this unique number on their ear. How Issuing Aadhaar Number by UIDAI to Cows will help? Issuing Unique Number to Cows will eliminate trafficking of cattle across the Indo-Bangla border. It will also stop smuggling of Cows to Nepal during the Gadhimai festival held once in five years. If the Cow has to be exported to other country than it should be done by taking valid license from regional licensing authority. By issuing Uniqu...