Aadhaar Card have now become mandatory as per Government for every citizen of India, every citizen of India should get enrolled for Aadhaar Card and residents of India are also following the process to get enrolled for Aadhaar Card as Government have implement so many schemes and to apply for the schemes you need the Aadhaar Card. Now coming to the point many of the people have got enrolled for Aadhaar Card but after waiting for 2-3 months they have not yet still received their Aadhaar Card’s so what will those people do, how will those people will know what’s their current status of their Aadhaar Card. They are confused isn’t it? So for those people who are worried, who don’t know what to do if their Aadhaar Card have not yet dispatched to their Address, they can now check their Aadhaar Card status. The Aadhaar Cars Status can easily be tracked by going to this link http://e-aadhaar-card.blogspot.com/2013/03/check-aadhaar-card-status.html just follow the instructions on the article...